Anything can be the story. I just had a conversation with a friend of mine. She sat across from me in my work area, a rare conversation in the configuration of two stools across the surface of my littered workspace, a drafting table backed by a standing desk. Her baby is nearly due, only one month or so left! It’s hard for her to get comfortable on the stool anywhere for that matter. She looks happy, excited for it.

After a few of her observations about my work area and the art, I then blabbed on about the ink pages laying on the two surfaces, trying to give her a sense of where I was going with the story. It’s rare anyone asks me about what I’m up to creatively, so it was nice to share with someone what I’m giving birth to.

The conversation shifts from Dharmic Sci-Fi Fantasy, to something about Meher Baba writing that the most dangerous point in the development of a spiritual aspirant is when perfection of mind meets the apex of self empowerment. The context of that point still fell along the lines of story telling, and the concepts of the villain and heroine.

“Because the great distraction it causes?” She asks.

“Sorta but more the temptation  being so great to manifest (at all costs) what you see as possible (instead of waking up). You use up all that energy and have to start again. Power wants to be put to work, and then ‘perfection of mind,’ comes along… “

What was my point? Yes literally anything can be the story, work getting done.

The question is, “Is it good work”

We traded our opinion on certain shows. On one hand I’m terribly bored of most fantasy stories, I confessed. Santosha Ma agrees with that. On the other hand there are so many gems out there to learn by, and concepts to borrow.

“The crafting business of it,” Santosha Ma said in an earlier discussion.

“That guy right there on that page,” I say to her, as I point to a pair of characters on one of the water colored pages,

“So… He’s a journalist who feels he’ll never get the opportunity to write the perfect story, but look at who he’s with in the frame, where he is.”

The story that frees one from work that burdens and diminishes the soul in its awareness and enjoyment of true self, I’ll keep working for,  just like ole Hue, but I figure it’s just another story.

In the frame Hue stands next to a young woman who points across the ocean to where an aspect of her divine power is manifesting.

“He’s in the the perfect story already,”  she grins

It was a nice visit.

Check out the latest DE:TLKW!!

Also This Sat, October 14th, 2023, the next tape drops!