This morning, a lovely drive down the hill to work. Chapter 31, “The Flight,” from The Last Khoorlrhani Warrior plays on the car stereo as I review, looking for gaffs and crud to fix. Sigh… I have a tailgater this morning, but just grin as the flow eventually puts two cars behind me enough to separate us. It’s cool out, not cold. Indian summer. The highway has a glowing morning vibe as us commuters all glide along the 198. I really, really like these chapters, and remark to myself how well the “Space Opera,” chapters have come out, the chapters I think I was most worried I couldn’t pull off.

I pause it and talk out something to myself I find interesting in the narrative as if rehearsing for a taped session (coming soon… maybe); The character Jeshibian, I note, makes allies across the galaxy because Paen taught him how to open his heart a little– to stand in that illusive 3rd dimension of his person. The ‘Mayak,’ are the metaphorical and by his narrative traditional ‘other,’ that he has successfully reconciled enough (See Ursya) to were he easily makes friends in the heart, across tribal, national, planetary, and galactic lines. That is the point of Jeshibian, the hero, the peacemaker. This is why Khandaj so easily appears and assists and even acts as mediator to the alien AI and Josh. Interesting? Read here or listen on YouTube.

These latter tapes sound great too. I’m enjoying both the pre amp (DBX 286s) and compressor (Klark Teknik k-76) I bought to better suit my SM7b mic a good friend gave me, many levels of enjoyment.

Yeah, “The Flight,” and “The Survivor,” played on and I actually managed to let go enough to enjoy it without my inner editorial dictator interrupting the flow of feeling. These chapters should be playing sometime this winter on YouTube, very soon. I will say, Chapter 29 “The Leviathan,” might be my favorite chapter of all.

Earlier this am, as I did my situps, “Alexa, play YouTube on my Roku,” I called out and was happy to see on my feed (because… ahem… I’m subscribed to Dharmic Sci Fi Fantasy) the latest tape dropped: