Tangerine Dream, was amazing. Too bad Santosha Ma could not make it. It was disappointing she and Prem were not there. Still the show was fantastic. I’ll not repeat myself, since it’s all blabbed upon here, but I only muse on how much of Tangerine Dreams music inspired scenes for much of the writing found on this site and is featured largely in the Last Khoorlrhani Warrior audiobook.  Go there, queue it up, pull out some crafting, sit at your drawing table, relax and just float away and listen to it.

Just this weekend after returning from SF, I jumped back onto my audio project for LKW, and recorded the chapters “The Leviathan,” “The Survivor,” and “The Flight,” and had a great time adding the music. Hyperborea, featured for the wolf scene in “The Survivor,” is one of the smoothest and moodiest tracks in Tangerine Dream’s catalog.  Maybe since I’m feeling bloggy suddenly (I can’t explain it) I’ll circle round from time to time and post snippets, trailers etc.

See you in early October for the next webcomic page.