Happy New Year!
I’m looking forward to 2024 being another year of creativity. During my convalescing I just could not seem to put my mind on compiling Tantric Series. No not quite yet. So many technical hurdles! I feel it’s sitting there, patiently waiting for me, glowing a bit, maybe steeping like a stew. I know once the aversion passes, it’s going to be great. Right now though, it’s been a world building push, and trying to work on some story elements I felt needed some attention for years. So… check out the lore section, for new entries, new maps etc. Without jinxing my process, I certainly am not writing the Nadthsade Dragon as a novel. Nope, and the fact that I’ve found the old manuscript I pulled my hair out over say ten years ago, and the fact that over the past week I’ve written some great scenes to add to it, doesn’t mean a thing in that regard. Segments of it probably will wind up in Tantric Series for sure. Maybe Spring. Eric Stevens has a nice new cover for the Nadthsade Dragon comic issue that I love, and once out of debt, I’ll resume with Emmanualle Mariategue, Patrick HDZ and Geoff Mosse on the Master Returns. All great fun!

Just letting the flow take me where it will. I guess, since Mr. Bennett’s departure (Miss you Mike, your dharmically rooted aspect that is), I’m trying out a different approach, groove and pace. Duh!
On that note, the groove of the dharma is indeed wonderful. Santosha Ma, you are wonderful, and I love our on going discourse on Self-love which indeed goes on and deepens, the actual story of reality.

Waves licked the shore as we all sat in the living room this past Christmas day in Cambria. It was a wonderful day of walking along the coastline and bopping about the towns of Morro Bay, and San Louis Obispo.

“It’s not an ego trip, Self-love. It’s the deepest recognition of your divinity. If you can’t love yourSelf, you’ll never be free,” you said.

I grinned, agreeing, watching the sun turning into pink ribbons against orange, purple and silver.

More definitely to come!

Do check out some of my adds for the last Khoolrhani Warriors Audio… show… thingy.