Saying YES to Worldbuilding! – 1/20/2024

Hello! Yes! World building has become a thing for me lately, as well as some character designs. Slow going! Taxing! Fun!

Scroll below to check out images I’ve been working on as of late, since November actually. You’ll see a bit of the ‘Docks of Jolel,’ in the video. I imagined a vast commercial/military station orbiting Planet Bain’s moon, (oh look at that, a wiki link! Ha! Having so much fun making sense to mySelf!) and of course this is the home of our favorite pirate, Red Carridean.

Also It was very important for me in someway to further design the actual ‘Nadthsade Dragon,’ and so it was a blast to work from Eric Steven’s cover design where this ‘infinity,’ dragon (love the mobius strip shape Eric‘s cover design makes) is seen in full color in my own version. Anyhow yes the manifestation of your deepest design, where you not only make sense to yourself, where the long years of doubt are fast behind you, standing on that edge, and now can view (perhaps with diamond eyes?) the fruits of labor. I suppose that’s what Mediha is sharing with Hue in the webcomic above. Wow, so many happy accidents. It’s as if consciousness dictates to form!


Lots on my plate. I begin beam radiation to see if we can finally annihilate the tall cell variant scraps of pac-men in my neck. Wish me luck!