So very happy! I love this project to death. As I work on the current chapter, which will be short, It’s both great to draw and present my work here and on Instagram. So what to say about this page? I’ll post “Brenn,” which I never did last year. It will explain a bit. Also the Last Khoorlrhani Warrior. There one get’s the sense why he feels out of place amongst the Nadthsade. Here though, simply put, Brenn can’t just allow Red the peace he’s found.  Humans suck.  We must get over it.  They do.  I don’t blog enough about worldbuilding. I’d like to even as a process. That impulse however might be better met in an aspect of the audiobook adventure I’ve begun this year for LKW. It’s really taking shape, but as I do it, I enjoy how things can get better framed or emphasized by sound effects and an actual character voice.

I dunno. I’ll split the difference.


