YouTube Audiobook and Podcast: The Last Khoorlrhani Warrior
The audiobook/podcast is being relaunched. Scroll down to play each episode here and for the release schedule. Conversely you can go to the youTube channel directly:
My good friend Eric Naylor, whom I’ve known since grade school, and who actually created the character Red Carridean when we used to merge our fictional worlds like a stack of old worn out comic books, said to me this winter, “Man we were so influenced by Chris Clairmont era X-men and New Mutants huh!? Hey….you should make D.E. into an audio book.”
So… I hung up the phone on my way up the hill as I drove, the mountains decaying the cellular signal. I went into my cottage and pulled out the mics and have since had a blast banging my head creatively to finish.
I’ve known another Eric for almost as long. Eric K Stevens did the amazing cover for this audiobook as well as several for the Nadthsade Dragon comics. Thank you my dear friends!

Come back here to watch, or get the schedule as I complete each tape, and plan it’s release!
Update (June 14 2024) – I’ve since made efforts to redo the soundtrack for the audiobook in an effort to monetize the channel. I don’t know if it’s actually going to work out, since I had so much music posted that I did not have permission to use. Also… sigh…. I may have jumped the gun on advertising, etc, and ruined my chances. Nevertheless, a learning experience, and I’m just going to keep going as I really love how it’s developing.
I am officially using music from Epidemic Sound, and really doing my best to add more visual elements. On that note, it seems I’ll be always revising with art from artists who I have hired, such as Francis Salipande, along with my own AI additions.
So here’s to the relaunch!
Tape 1 – Revised and Posted
Chapter 1 – I am Jeshibian: Jeshibian declares himself his namesake– the light– but then begins to weave his tale of explanation and adventure, diminishing into story.
Chapter 2 – Warriors and Warlords: Jeshibian is cautioned by the master Paen to take less pride in the feudal state of Arkaya, and it’s hierarchy of Lords that the One Great Land has become.
Chapter 3 – The Master: Of the master, much is told about the prowess and grace of the supreme warrior, the auspicious master Paen, whom Jeshbian has know since he was a child.
Tape 2 – Revised and Posted
Chapter 4 – Khoorlrhani Tah: a profile of Jeshibian’s father who is the tyrannical ruler (The Tah) of the Khoorlrhani nation. Jeshibian, our young protagonist was born in the phase of Khoorlrhani-Tah’s history where his dark side has been less active as Paen, the Master has been working to teach the tyrant what it actually means to be the Tah.
Chapter 7 – Khoorlrhani Tas: The story of things according to the Tas, Jeshibian’s mother.
Chapter 6 – The Terrible Six: We meet ‘Jeshibian’s brothers, learn of their antics and the dynamic of power between them. Paen explains to the troubled Jeshibian the root of their infighting by way of a fairy tale.
Tape 3 – Revised and Posted
Chapter 7 – Warfare and Brotherhood: Adolescence brings the “Terrible Six,” to the edge of choosing sides amongst them after a fatefull day at “The Nook,”
Chapter 8 – The Threat of Mandee: Awful events and Master Paen further test and foster Jeshibian’s understanding.
Tape 4 – Revised and Posted
Chapter 9 – The True Reflection: Jeshbian is given a great gift, a sweet glimpse of the power of Master Paen’s understanding, as the honorable great Master, tricks him, pranks him, and weaves a lesson into a lovingly given gift of recognition.
Tape 5 – Revised and Posted
Chapter 10 – The Old Conflict – Jeshibian, may have made the wrong choice in the end, but as Paen instructs him to follow the lines of his own attraction, Jeshbian grows as he squarely enters the field of his life and struggles with his ego, creating the gems of his experience.
Tape 6 – Revised and Posted
Chapter 11 – Ursya: Confused, and horrified by his experience in the war, Jeshibian flees and intends to start anew. He makes a good friend.
Tape 7 – Coming Soon
Chapter 12 – Loves Ever Strong Heartbeat: Jeshibian learns the true basis of bravery, and how to dig deeper.
Chapter 13 – The Master’s Discovery: Jeshibian is finally reunited with a dear friend.
Tape 8 – Coming Soon
Chapter 14 – Turn of the Tides: Jeshibian begins to see the actual scope and depth of Paen’s work, and to see the exacting criticism of his father’s empire as the very lifeline for his own growth, yielding the flower of his gratitude.
Chapter 15 – The Seed: Things become even more strange with the sudden appearance of weary travelers, seeded into the firmament of Jeshibian’s psyche, and with the blooming of strange dreams indicating big, BIG change, well beyond Jeshibian’s ability to understand in the first attention of his awareness.
Tape 9 – Coming Soon
Chapter 16 – The Devotee: Jeshibian is rattled by the child who fell from the sky– the child who only has eyes for Master Paen. To console himself, and as ordered by Master Paen, he makes friends with the strange man who delivered the child into Paen’s company.
Chapter 17 – Seven hundred Pounds of Gold: Brenn Edgewood, the agent from another world, cleverly bargains with the Khoorlrhani-Tah in a trade that will help get him and the child off to her home-world of Banx.
Tape 10 – Coming Soon
Chapter 18 – Minot Wears the Crown: Jeshibian learns the awful results of Minot’s stratagem.
Chapter 19 – A Glimpse with Infinity’s Eyes: Jeshibian, both terrified and attracted, sit’s with Mediha to learn on a more intimate basis, who she is, and how their destiny’s are interwoven in a beautiful play. His dreams begin to reveal more of what awaits him, and is beckoned to participate, to climb up!
Tape 11 – Coming Soon
Chapter 20 – The Journey: Jeshibian, his dear brother Darlian, Master Paen and his devotees, take the weeks long journey southwest to the plains in order to deliver Mediha and Brenn to Bergnest, to reconcile their pasts, love their present moment in travel, and reset for the future as beloved Master Paen imparts onto Jeshibian his final lessons before sending the young man off on a great mission to care for Mediha, the “child of his sadhana.”
Tape 12 – Coming Soon
Chapter 21 – Rebirth: After our hero stows away aboard Edgewood’s shuttle and is discovered, he learns a few hard lessons and a makes an awful discovery.
Chapter 22 – Tel Allal and House Edgewood: Reborn into the world of Bain and the war climate of the second planetary war of the Banxisithine star system, Jeshibian travels to house Edgewood to reassess his options.
Chapter 23 – The Reeducation of Josha Korani: Without much to do as Tel Allal is decimated by the Trikes, Jeshibian and his new companions shelter in the old Norman great house. Jeshibian turns to the house library to bide his time.
Tape 13 – Coming Soon
Chapter 24 – The Countess Gwendolyn: Finally the lady of the house– The Countess Gwendolyn– arrives, greets her servants and nephew, and meets our hero.
Chapter 25 – Red Carridian: A lavish dinner introduces interesting guests and starts up talk of a coup as Jeshibian is made aware of Bainish political intrigue and as the war effort moves ahead.
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